Answer: One piece at a time!
Want to pick up a new hobby but finding it too time-consuming to learn?
Want to pursue your dream study course or career choice but feel it is too daunting to even start?
Want to start a blog but droppped the idea because everyone says you can't keep it up?
Want to build a solid spiritual life but don't feel you have it in you?
The question is probably not whether you can, or have the time or potential to do it. It's probably that you feel you can't accomplish it within a timeframe you can visualize. But that's the whole thing --- you don't have to!We want to achieve everything at once! It doesn't work that way! We build it up one piece at a time! Water dripping onto a rock can, over time, bore a deep hole through it, a fraction of a millimeter at a time.
Our hospital (St Andrew's Community Hospital) was officially opened by the Minister of Health this morning. I can still remember the many changes of plans over the past 8 years, the number of times church members asked me whether the project would ever get off the ground, the starts and stops even after the official ground-breaking in 2003, not to mention the huge financial challenge of raising the money. But we kept doggedly at it, with the help of God and many good people, one challenge at a time. The building took shape, brick upon brick, one at a time. Today, the hardware and processes are in place. We just have to keep nurturing the "heart-ware", tending the soul of the hospital, again, one piece at a time.
Imagine what you can accomplish if you have the determination, the planning and the patience to chip at it, one fragment at a time.
Done imagining? Now go do it!
Hi. You don't know me but I found your blog through Jill's. Just wanted to say that the 'how do you eat an elephant' question has been super helpful in my life for many years. We'll never get the big jobs done all at once, but God gives us the strength to tackle them bit by bit!
Thanks Shirley for your feedback!
I had been inactive for a couple of months (as predicted!) due to the flurry of activities as last year ended (on a distressing note: check my latest postings) and the new year pounced on me unprepared.
The news is: I"M BACK!
Continuing the metaphor of eating elephants, the best thing is that you can keep the uneaten elephant in the fridge and come back for another bite later on!
Tak Meng, Singapore
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